Mother of us all,
the source
from which we come -
You are
It is through God’s breath
and the pains of your labor,
that life is even possible;
that food, shelter, and clothing
even exist
for my family.
You provide for us and nurture us all.
It is your nature,
It is who you are.
You know no other way.
We like to think you care.
Maybe you do,
but also - maybe - there is an indifference
within you
to all of it and all of us.
I don’t know...
But even so,
We are grateful for your gifts
Your steady, faithful offerings,
Your birthings
through all cycles and seasons.
These gifts, however,
Of food, shelter, and clothing
come only to us through the labor
of one who pays attention to you
And walks alongside you
like a midwife.
The farmer
Is one who partners with you
and with God,
Is one who marvels at the fertilities and possibilities,
the economies of relationships, memberships, and communions
that your abundance invites us into.
With God’s help
And the labor of the farmer
We know you as our beloved Mother.
Happy madre’s Day, dear Tierra.
(Sarah Macias)