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For a peaceful getaway, book a farmstay with us on airbnb.
Perfect for wedding weekends, retreats, and reunions.


Dugan and Daddy
Strength and tenderness are not mutually exclusive. You can see it in his face.

Learning together the skill of being in relation to the land might just change the world.

Let's Build a Garden
The antidote of resistance to chaos is inspiration. We can control that. It's our job, especially now.

from soil to greatness
In memory of Jimmy Carter and in honor of humility, fidelity, and service.

Love in the Darkness?
Love does not do it alone. But Love is here - saying, "Fear not", even in the darkness.

Joy in the Darkness?
"Be joyful though you have considered all the facts," says the mad (but wise) farmer.

Peace in the Darkness?
We wage peace, not war, on a crooked path toward Shalom.

Hope in the Darkness?
Can Hope simply be dormant - waiting for the right time to break through and live in a new way?

The simplest of prayers
Togetherness, generosity, and gratitude can soften us like seeds in the ground as we as we look around and say - Thank you!

Oh, Hummingbird
Practice bizarre behavior - Look for the nectar in the Other - and, perhaps in a not so small way, save your part of the world.

Do Something
God won't do it for you. You got to get up, even if you've been beaten down, and do something until everyone is free.

Restoring Missing Voices
Womanism helps us apply the Golden Rule to hear voices and songs once forgotten.

A Womanist Lens
With a womanist lens, we are given permission to question relentlessly in order to liberate the muted voices in our midst.

Longing for Home
Living responsibly in some small part of the world begins and ends with love and fidelity.

An Unsettled Source
The soil is the great connector of lives,
the source and destination of all.
the source and destination of all.

An Unsettled Character
Seeing the ecological crisis as a crisis of character and the disease of specialization from which we need healing.

Unsettled in America
What would it look like if we finally settled as Americans and really intended to be where we live in the places where we are?

A Kitchen of Hope
Biscuits and compost offer hope and grace in the messy but very good new creations every day.

Kitchen Reflections
Follow trustworthy principles (and recipes) in farming and life but allow for adjustments. Reflect and trust your senses.

Kitchen Interactions
There are interactions on the table that invite us into a multiplicity of relationships. How can we eat with our ecosystems in mind?

Kitchen Stories
The kitchen is a keeper of our stories and connects us to the garden and to each other.

A Commonwealth
If you call your home a commonwealth, does it create within you a mindset of who you are, where you are, and what you have in common?

Trees of Life
The message of the trees: to treasure the gift of life and to be held together in a web of reciprocity.

Local food-in the News!
Headline news tells is that an increase in local food production is a top priority.

The Strength of Local
If "the strength of free peoples resides in the local community," how do we rebuild a local food system?
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