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Vegetable Farm


In the essay by Wendell Berry entitled “The Pleasures of Eating,” we are reminded that “eating is an agricultural act.” Every day each and every one of us participates in this activity – but it is in how we participate that makes all the difference in the health of our bodies, our ecosystems, and our communities.

At Sister Grove Farm, we do not see food as a product. Nor do we consider it to be fuel. Food is all about relationship or even communion – “with those family and friends sharing the meal, with those hands whose skill helped grow and harvest the food, with other creatures and ultimately with our creator.” (1)


If we had to choose a theme song, it might be "Crowded Table" by the Highwomen. Its hard to beat these lyrics....


“Yeah I want a house with a crowded table, And a place by the fire for everyone, The door is always open

Your picture's on my wall, Everyone's a little broken, And everyone belongs, Yeah, everyone belongs”


(1) Schut, Michael. 2009. Food & Faith: Justice, Joy and Daily Bread.              New York: Morehouse Publishing, p. 14.



Our layers are all heritage breeds and are truly pasture raised which means they are the gold standard. From an ethical perspective, pasture-raised comes as close as it gets to the natural living condition of hens. In addition to the bugs, worms and anything else they can find as they scratch and pick through the grass, we supplement with a Non-GMO, Soy Free & Corn Free feed ration.


Delaware Broiler Chickens – a Heritage Breed for your Table


Grass-fed beef

Interested in healthier cows, healthier consumers, and a healthier climate for our planet? We are too.


These Hampshire sheep play an important role in our multi-species, holistic grazing program.

Grassfed Pasture Raised Lamb

raw honey

With 100 beehives on the north end of the farm, this place is really buzzing!


"No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden." ~Thomas Jefferson


Van Alstyne, Texas

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